When Morgan, affectionately called Morgie, was younger and full of crazy puppy energy we'd give her a Kong rubber pet toy (Classic Kong) filled with peanut butter to keep her entertained when we went out. For hours she'd contort her little tongue this way and that as she worked at getting every last ounce of her precious peanut butter and presumably not miss us (OK not chew the furniture -- but you get the point). Quite by accident last Sunday as we made our way back from our memorable ski weekend (What A Weekend...) we discovered the human "Kong with peanut butter" equivalent... ... a frozen half bottle of orange soda. We'd left it in the car overnight after skiing which got down to about 10 degrees below zero. I'm not sure if it being frozen horizontally is required (see picture) or if limiting all soda consumption to vacations and special occasions is necessary but I'm telling you we heard not a peep from six year old Liam for the majority of our 2 1/2 hour trip. Between trying to melt the soda with the warmth of his hands, watching the "orange icebergs" crash into his soupy sea and slurping the resulting slush from said bottle with a technique remarkably similar to Morgie's Kong maneuvers; Liam was fully engrossed. Absolutely amazing! Now if only I could market it somehow.
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